Ukrainian Action in Ireland is a registered non-profit organization established by Ukrainian and Irish volunteers united by the idea to help Ukraine and Ukrainians in times of war and beyond. Our mission is to be the voice and action for Ukrainians in Ireland. As we grow and develop our activities in Ireland, we are seeking to recruit General Manager and Programme Officer (full-time and part-time options are available upon discussion). These people will be crucial to ensure stability and quality of our projects, effectiveness of volunteering work coordination, and achieving our strategic goals. What we offer is not just a job – it is a possibility to represent the Ukrainian community in Ireland and implement the most impactful projects that will contribute to the smooth integration of Ukrainians into Irish society. If interested, send your CV and a short Motivation Letter to this email:

[email protected]

Please, mark “General Manager” or “Programme Officer” in the subject of your email. Deadline to apply: Friday, 30 September 2022.

